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How The 2020 Payroll Tax Holiday Works
The executive order directs the secretary of the Treasury to defer some payroll tax obligations. Any employee who is paid less than...
Importance of Keeping a Mileage Log
Suppose you just received a letter from the IRS telling you that you are the subject of an IRS audit. What one record receives special...
Economic Impact Payment and Injured Spouse Relief
When a joint tax return is filed, both taxpayers are jointly and individually liable for the tax and any interest or penalty due on the...
Tax News
We are winding down our tax season with the filing deadline of October 15 for those returns that had been extended from the original July...
The Families First Coronavirus response Act was signed into law on March 18, 2020. The benefits were available on April 1, 2020 and...

IRS On-Line Tool Helps Non-Filers Apply For Economic Impact Payments
The Internal Revenue Service is beginning the process of sending out economic relief payments. Americans who filed a tax return in 2018...
Update: Stimulus Payments and Social Security
The IRS has announced that Social Security recipients will automatically receive economic impact payments. Those receiving Social...
CARES Act - Part III - Other Tax Provisions
While all the chatter is about the stimulus payments and the loan programs available for the small business owner there were also many...
CARES Act - Part II - Paycheck Protection Program
As a result of the legislation related to COVID-19, there are two available loan programs. This is not a comprehensive review and small...
CARES Act - Part I - Stimulus Payment
The CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act) consists of about 880 pages touching every industry. Over the next...
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